Homework: Portray a Book Character in front of Class

My children’s school requires the students to do a lot of public speaking solo.

This is unusual for me because as a child, I don’t remember speaking in public at all except to introduce myself in the first day of school which was already torture for me.  I remember doing solo public speaking assignments in high school but I’d really break out in sweats and sometimes, I’d even come down with psychosomatic symptoms like actual fevers or chills.  That’s how unused to (and terrified of) public speaking I was.  I managed to overcome the fear a little as I grew older because I got exposed to it a lot in college.  However, it’s a fear I carry with me to this day.

Since my kids’ school is doing the opposite of what my school did, I figured it will help them get over this debilitating fear of speaking solo in front of a crowd.  Even though it takes a little extra work for us parents, I welcomed the task.  My daughter has been at it for a few years and she’s used to it already.  At Grade 5, they are expected to prepare everything on their own so mama’s free as a bird.

This is my son’s first.  He needs a little help.

His task:  Character Portrayal of a Book Character.

That’s when I realized there are so few memorable men characters in books!  I wanted a character that was easily recognizable so that the kids, and the teacher, won’t have a hard time distinguishing who the heck he is trying to portray.

Girls get so many options!  In the princesses alone, girls can have a smorgasbord of characters to choose from.

Finally, Son A and I agreed on Peter Pan.  He’s fun.  He’s bubbly.  He’s happy-go-lucky.. much like A.  He is easily recognizable.  And it is easy for me to make a short speech for A to memorize and act out.

Luckily, our yaya Nelsie is very good with sewing and she whipped up a costume for A to wear.

He will be presenting this week.  He’s got his speech memorized.  His costume is ready.  He’s ready to go and he’s excited to bring his little toy sword to class which completes his look.  Hubby S helped him beef up his intonation and acting over the weekend.  He’s good to go.

Peter Pan Costume

A as Peter Pan

I hope he does well and doesn’t freeze up like his mom does.  I really hope he’ll have the guts and gusto of his dad.

Go for it A!

9 thoughts on “Homework: Portray a Book Character in front of Class

  1. Good choice. Classic. Most might come as harry potter or percy jackson. 😛
    I love PP! I also dressed up as PP in a school costume party. Except I was a teacher already. Haha!


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